

Like a caress, each brushstroke expresses a sensation, evokes an emotion, a hidden desire. True beauty in its raw state, honest and uncensored.

Capturing the sensual effervescence released through the canvas, like a dance of seduction for the eyes. The thin line between intimacy and the purity of the emotion revealed.



A pure and true authenticity that pierces the canvas with its honesty, baring the soul of a captured emotion, as an image now frozen in time.

Enchanting us through the very essence of the creation, bringing life and contrast to the static effect that the painting brings.


Custom Work

1- Project Submission

The creation of your custom work begins with the submission of your idea, that is to say by sending a photo inspiration, a subject, a vision and/or a reference. Consider that it is important for me to determine if your future painting is feasible or not and if it is in line with my artistic fiber.

2- The Elaboration

Once your project is accepted, we will determine together the predominant colors, the details and especially the environment where your future painting will be exposed. We will also discuss the chosen and/or appropriate format. This information will allow me to proceed with the composition of your work.

3- The Creation

Following this detailed elaboration and the chosen personalized composition, I will proceed to the creation of your painting. It is important to consider a delay for this artistic creation, ranging from 60 to 75 days, depending on the complexity of your initial request.

Feeling inspired?

If you would like to know more, feel free to contact me and ask me any questions or thoughts you may have!

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